Ground and Surface Water
Developers and landowners should identify and protect aquifer recharge features.
​Blanco Pedernales Groundwater Conservation District​
Rainwater harvesting should be used where practical to supplement or replace the need for groundwater and reduce strain on public water systems.
Blanco Pedernales Groundwater Conservation District
Blanco County Subdivision Guidelines
Blanco County Development Rules
Hill Country Alliance Rainwater Harvest Issue Paper
Sustainable landscaping should be used to promote water capture and minimize irrigation water requirements.
Hill Country Alliance Groundwater Supply Issue Paper
Hill Country Alliance Native Landscaping Issue Paper
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension paper on Xeriscape
Minimize or do not discharge treated wastewater into pristine streams and rivers. Consider alternatives, including repurposing gray water for irrigation and use of drain fields. If discharge cannot be avoided, treat to the lowest practically achievable phosphorus levels.
Landscape and Wildlife Conservation
Landscape and Wildlife Conservation.
Blanco County
Natural Resource Conservation Service, Texas
Johnson City\
Maintain healthy riparian habitat along our rivers and streams. Consider setting aside green space along waterways in development plans.
Your Remarkable Riparian Owners Manual; Nueces River Authority
A for purchase guidebook.
Avoid clear cutting. In addition to oak trees, many other trees, shrubs and grasses are critical to maintaining a healthy and diverse landscape,
Landowners Guide: Stewarding the Pedernales River Basin
Prevent damage to oak trees that could cause Oak Wilt.
Adopt practices to minimize fire risk.​
Hill Country Portal/Fire Protection
Dark Night Sky
• Landowners, businesses, and developers are encouraged to adopt dark sky lighting practices. Subdivisions are also encouraged to adopt dark sky lighting practices in deed restrictions.
Lighting guidelines - How to prevent light pollution
Preservation of Rural Character and History
Consider strategies such as voluntary, negotiated conservation easements to preserve agricultural lands.
Hill Country Alliance issue paper: Conservation Easements and Working with Land Trusts
Identify and preserve historical and archeological sites and features.
Blanco County Historical Commission